Fort Myers 239-356-8963
Fort Pierce 772-758-0381
Orlando 863-591-8241

Pompano Beach 754-704-5575
Tampa 813-896-2631








GIS Stormwater & Sewer Pipeline Mapping Services

The experts at Shenandoah offer GIS stormwater and sewer pipeline mapping throughout Florida and SE Georgia.  We understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of sanitary sewer systems, stormwater systems, and pipelines. To properly plan for future land uses, watershed boundaries, and any underground pipeline systems maintenance, GIS Mapping becomes an integral tool. GIS Mapping has become a valuable tool especially as it relates to water resource management. It allows us to create a map based visual representation of your infrastructure following an inspection to facilitate modeling of your watershed system. An example of modeling would be developing “what-if” models to improve stormwater runoff. GIS Mapping helps to locate and identify problems at a low cost and identify how best to deal with repairs and maintenance. When you need to understand the condition of your sanitary sewer systems and pipelines, call or contact Shenandoah.

Our GIS Mapping services help provide a map-based visual representation of our inspection findings. This helps provide problem identification to make specification and remedial identification easier.

GIS Mapping

Advantages of GIS Mapping

Developing an effective storm water management system isn’t only prudent in keeping maintenance costs down, but is required by governments to show that existing systems have the ability to control and reduce the likelihood of pollutants or contaminants making their way into local bodies of water. In addition, it allows municipalities, and other entities to understand where problems might occur so that potentially dangerous flooding events which could damage infrastructure or private property can be avoided.

GIS Mapping

1. Increase the ability to respond to emergency flooding or spills

Having an accurate digital representation of your systems helps better understand how the systems will handle an emergency situation.

2. Aid in the Maintenance & Repair

By charting the current condition, location, and the systems materials, such as pipeline types, maintenance and repair is made easier and less costly.

3. Facilitates Infrastructure Improvements

The systems often need improvement as growth may dictate system enhancements. Mapping allows you to determine where improvements to the systems can best be made to achieve the desired results.

Shenandoah also Offers these Inspection & Testing Services

In addition to GIS Mapping, Shenandoah offers a wide variety of pipe inspection and testing services so that you can better understand the overall health of your sanitary sewer, stormwater, and pipe infrastructure. They include but are not limited to:


GIS Mapping


Project Development & Planning


Pipe Repair Matrix


Laser Profiling


Air Testing


Specifications Writing


Dye Testing


Our Inspection, Restoration, and Maintenance (IRM) Program has helped maximize the performance of our customers sanitary and stormwater systems for over 45 years.