Subsurface Injectable Groundwater Barrier Walls
Shenandoah construction is a geotechnical contractor providing subsurface injectable groundwater barrier walls for decades. Subsurface groundwater and contaminate barrier walls and curtains are designed to slow or stop subsurface water or contaminate flow from one area to another. We are Florida’s experts in deep injection geotechnical polymer groundwater barrier walls and curtains.
The professionals at Shenandoah have the geotechnical experience, and skills to inspect and complete your job correctly, on time and budget.

Cost Effective Method of Subsurface Barrier Walls & Curtains
We use an innovative cost effective, eco-friendly, deep polymer injection process. The industrial polymers are precisely injected into 5/8” diameter holes, drilled through the ground or pavement at different depths, and grid patterns, into weak-eroded, and voided soil areas. After injection, the polymer expands, densifying and compacting the soils, creating a watertight impenetrable barrier. The industrial polymers displace any trapped subsurface water and seal any joints and cracks. As the water is repelled, it replaces wet soils with a stable long lasting geo-material barrier wall. The industrial polymers reach 90% of their strength in 15 minutes, and 100% of strength in 24 hours. Important success factors in stopping water migration are having a solution that is closed cell and hydro insensitive. Our geotechnical polymers will expand, and cure in the presence of water, meaning it will repel water and maintain its structure in heavily saturated areas.
Applications for Subsurface Groundwater Barrier Walls:
Public Works
Stormwater Drains
Construction Sites
Groundwater Contamination Sites
Electric Grids
Airports & Runways
Sea Ports
Manufacturing Plants
Agricultural Facilities
Heavy Industry
Industrial Parks
Hospitals & Medical
Schools & Universities
Hotels & Resorts
Who would Utilize an Injectable Groundwater Barrier Walls Contractor?
Government, state, county & city agencies, and managers & engineers
Transportation engineers, civil engineers, structural engineers, geotechnical engineers, and hydro engineers
Property managers, company operations mangers, industrial operations managers, manufacturing & warehouse managers, etc
Contact Shenandoah the experts in subsurface injectable groundwater barrier walls
When it comes to subsurface injectable groundwater barrier walls, and preserving your real estate assets, don’t settle for anything than the best. With decades of hands-on experience, the professionals at Shenandoah have the geotechnical experience, and skills to inspect and complete your job correctly, on time and budget. We use only the best in industry materials and equipment along with the most highly experienced team members. Our outstanding customer service and excellent craftmanship, ensure that your groundwater barrier wall and stabilization project meet and exceeds all your expectations. Contact us today for additional information.

Our Inspection, Restoration, and Maintenance (IRM) Program has helped maximize the performance of our customers sanitary and stormwater systems for over 45 years.