Fort Myers 239-356-8963
Fort Pierce 772-758-0381
Orlando 863-591-8241

Pompano Beach 954-807-2623
Tampa 813-896-2631
Jacksonville 904-815-0595


24/7 Emergency Response Team






Roadway & Pavement Lifting & Repair

Shenandoah is a geotechnical construction company that has decades of experience in roadway and pavement lifting and repair. Our team of highly trained technicians uses a process of deep injection industrial polymers to lift, level, repair and stabilize roadways, highways, bridge approaches, and departure slabs. Restoring these roads, highways and bridges to smooth and safe conditions would save commuters and citizens billions in time and money. This is not only the most cost effective, safe process for roadway and pavement lifting and repair, but also saves billions compared to traditional reconstruction methods. With safety as the highest priority, we have completed thousands of highly successful roadway and pavement lifting and repair projects. Shenandoah’s process is the industry’s fastest, most cost effective, safest, and longest-lasting solution for roadway and pavement lifting and repair.

Lift, Level, and Stabilize your roadways quickly, cost-effectively, and without excavation using our polyurethane injection application.

Roadway & Pavement Lifting & Repair

Common Reasons for Roadway and Pavement Repair

Both natural and man-made factors can lead to weak soils beneath roadway pavement, highways, and concrete slabs. Water flow from heavy rains, floods, storms, expansion and leaks from pipes, storm drains, drainage boxes, etc. compromise the soil and cause erosion. The original soil material and composition may not have been packed properly before construction, or nearby drilling, trenching, excavation, or heavy load bearing use and vibrations found on roadways and railroads, may result in compromised soil quality. Regardless of the cause, weak soils and subbase result in soil erosion, soil voids, pockets, and sink holes (subsidence), causing roadways and pavement to crack, settle, pothole, and sink.

Method for Roadway and Pavement Lifting, and Soil Stabilization Repair

We start each new project with DCP testing used to measure the comparative strength of base soils beneath roadway pavement, highways, and bridge approach slabs. Surface profiles identifying settlement and the testing results are used to identify exact locations and depth levels for the industrial polymer grouting material application. The industrial polymers are precisely injected into 5/8” diameter holes, drilled through the pavement into weak-eroded and voided soil areas. After injection, the polymer expands, densifying and compacting the soils, lifting the soils and pavement back to level grade, while forming a higher weight capacity base that is better than new. The industrial polymers displace any trapped subsurface water and seal the joints and cracks. As the water is repelled, it replaces wet soils with a stable long lasting geo-material subbase. The polymer injection process is repeated using a gridwork of hole locations until all voids are sufficiently treated, and the pavement is lifted back to level grade. As the roadway pavement or slab is lifted, it is precisely monitored using laser measuring devices. The industrial polymers reach 90% of their strength in 15 minutes and 100% of strength in 24 hours. This process keeps lanes of traffic flowing versus reconstruction which could take weeks.

What are The Benefits of Shenandoah’s Roadway and Pavement Lifting and Repair Process?


Weight Bearing Capacity Restored or Increased


Material Reaches 90% of Strength in 15 Minutes, Assets can be Used Immediately


Precision Pavement Leveling Often up to 1/8” Tolerance with Rapid Polymer Expansion


Use of Small 5/8” Injection Holes, No Deconstruction Reconstruction


Low Pressure Injection of Polymer down to Base and Subbase Soils


One-Time Cost-Effective Method for Long Lasting Restoration


Eco Friendly

Who would Utilize a Roadway and Pavement Lifting, Repair and Leveling Contractor?


Government, state, county & city agencies, and managers & engineers


Transportation engineers, civil engineers, structural engineers, geotechnical engineers, and hydro engineers


Property managers, company operations mangers, industrial operations managers, manufacturing & warehouse managers, etc

Infrastructure Applications:

  • Culvert Repair & Restoration
  • Bridge & Roadway Transition Lifting & Leveling
  • Concrete Slab Lifting & Leveling
  • Railroad Track Lifting & Leveling
  • Foundation & Slab Lifting & Leveling
  • Public Works & Utilities
  • Airports & Runways
  • Sea ports, etc.

Other Applications Include:

  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Agricultural Facilities
  • Heavy Industry
  • Industrial Parks
  • Warehouses
  • Refineries
  • Pipelines
  • Public Works
  • Prison Facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Universities
  • Hotels & Resorts

Contact Shenandoah Your Statewide Experts in Roadway and Pavement Lifting, Repair and Soil Stabilization

When it comes to roadway and pavement lifting and repair, don’t settle for anything than the best. With decades of hands-on experience, the professionals at Shenandoah have the geotechnical experience and skills to inspect and complete your job correctly, on time and budget. Our outstanding customer service, excellent craftmanship, use of only the best in industry materials and equipment, and highly experienced team members ensure that your project meets and exceeds all expectations. Contact us today for additional information.

Stormwater and Sewer Cleaning and Inspection


Our Inspection, Restoration, and Maintenance (IRM) Program has helped maximize the performance of our customers sanitary and stormwater systems for over 45 years.